Homeless Man Turned Millionaire Offers the Best Advice

Hi, this is Pastor Roland. I was google searching for advice and ran across this article about the best advice the writer of the article got from a homeless man who became a multi millionaire.

Of course I was intrigued and I want to share the article from Forbes with you.

I won't give away what it is so you can read the article yourself. But I will just say that I am lucky because I have found what I love to do. I love being a pastor online and chatting, writing, and spending every waking moment thinking about the Good Lord, my work, and what I can do next to help people.

No I'm not rich, but I can also say that I am happy. I am grateful to God for His blessings.

Now I can use this as a teaching opportunity. First of all today's stock market is not your grandfather's stock market. The original idea was a good company, making a wholesome and useful product or offering a wholesome and useful service, sold shares in itself in order to raise some money to do more business.

When the good company properly invested the money it got from the shares it sold then prospered and the person who bought the shares got to participate in the prospering and received a good return on the investment. 

But now, a bad spirit has entered. Everyone is a little bit (or a lot) greedy and not completely honest. And so one person does not care about the other and does not mind taking advantage because after all everyone is a little bit sneaky and dishonest.

This is a sad state of affairs but it has invaded everywhere. We no longer have respect for each other because, frankly, most people are not respectable.

 Read more of Roland's essay on ambition vs. industriousness - Horatio Alger or Homer Simpson's Boss?


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