Resources to Rediscover the Joys of the Spiritual Side of Lifei
Need help with our prayer life?
Find it difficult to pray?
Try the Prayer Meditation to calm down and get centered.
When you are calm it is easier to pray and connect with God
Got questions?
Is God listening?
Where is God?
How can I improve my prayer life? Answered on last week's radio program!
Why do I stress over everything?
How can I improve my relationship? I tell you how in the second half of my last radio program
How do I forgive and forget?
I want to stop messing up. Will God forgive me? This is the topic of one of my youtube lectures
All these questions and many more are answered in my YouTube lectures or in my radio program archives.
Listen anytime 24/7
Why not watch one of my YouTube lectures on prayer, or listen to my radio program about resolving stress and improving relationships?
Just click here to visit my 24/7 Self help Resource Center.