Looking for Guidance, Spiritual Answers, and Prayer? A Fall Update from Talk to a Pastor
Hello everyone. It's summertime! I'm retired but I still have lots of helpful online resources for dealing with stress and for improving prayer life.
Whatever your issue is, prayer is what you need to do.
In order to pray effectively you need to be in a prayer space. I like to call it a prayer place. When you are in the prayer space, you can reach God and God can reach you.
Your prayer space is when you are mentally standing back. Not lost in thoughts or imagination. Not lost is emotions. Not lost in texting or music. Not pulled into an emotional argument.
When you are mentally standing back, you are centered. You have access to reason. You are closer to God.
Locating your prayer space is easy with the help of the prayer meditation.
If you are looking for spiritual answers or guidance about spiritual issues, then please watch this special message. It is only 5 minutes long but it contains valuable clues.
Is God listening?
Where is God?
How can I improve my prayer life?
Why do I stress over everything?
How can I improve my relationship?
How do I forgive and forget?
I want to stop messing up. Will God forgive me?
All these questions and many more are answered in my YouTube lectures.
Click here to visit my video lecture playlist on Youtube.
Regardless of what spiritual issues and challenges you are looking for answers and solutions for, you will find valuable information in my short video lectures, audio, or archived articles.