Recommended Books by Pastor Roland

 Hello everyone. Here is my recommended reading list

The Devout Life     St. Francis de Sales

Experiencing God Through Prayer      Madame Jeanne Guyon

Daily Strength for Daily Needs     Mary Tileston

Spiritual Letters      Francois Fenelon

The Pursuit of God      A. W. Tozer

The Spiritual Guide    Miguel Molinos

A Serious Call to the Devout and Holy Life         William Law

Heaven and its Wonders and Hell     Emanuel Swedenborg

Confessions                   St. Augustine

Hostage to the Devil        Malachi Martin

Poems                   Isaac Watts

Khaboris Manuscript       Selections from the Bible in Aramaic

The Spiritual Combat         Lorenzo Scupoli

 The Imitation of Christ        Thomas a Kempis

The Stress of Life               Dr. Hans Selye

A W Tozer: Twentieth Century Prophet     David J. Fant

A Guide to True Peace Revisted

Divine Love and Wisdom       Emanuel Swedenborg

Peace Pilgrim        Her story in her own words

The Christian's Secret of a Happy Life    Hannah Whithall Smith

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