Complementary Meditation Practice Helps Christians
Mental fog
Inability to concentrate
Find it difficult to focus or concentrate
Do you wonder why the things you learn in church or read about in the Bible are not a cogent force in your own mental and emotional life? Or why you still resent your husband, wife, or become impatient with your kids?
You simply must learn how to be still. The energy of your own striving pulls you from stillness and involves you in thought stuff. Even the effort to still your thoughts or blank your thoughts is another involvement. The soul itself must be still, apart from thought.
When we try to focus or try to do anything, even trying to quiet our thoughts, we end up struggling and become fatigued. Struggle and trying are themselves an error. Then it is just too easy to slip into daydreams or some comforting music, alcohol, drug or distraction fix.
We also make the mistake of trying to deal with our own guilts, which only strengthens them and makes us weary. You cannot forgive yourself.
You need God's forgiveness and guidance. But you cannot find these in daydreams or external words or rituals.
Nor can you find them in manipulation of thought. You discover them when your soul is still and aware in the Presence in the present.
Why don't you try my new Easy Meditation?
It is simple, easy to learn, and quick. It is great for busy people. It is also good for beginners. Whatever your issue is, the easy meditation is sure to help you get centered and find presence of mind to begin solving your issues.
Click here to try the Easy Meditation. It is free.
I know that many of you came for chat to ask a question, or perhaps to listen to audio.
But many of you are searching for answers. You are looking for purpose in life. You want to know why you are here. You want to have better relationships, and you want happiness.
Believe it or not, the proper application of the meditation exercise may be of help because it permits you to get out of negative thinking, and it helps you get in touch with your calm center of dignity.
From there you can flow effortlessly and move toward positive goals that you realize for yourself.
Now that you know about why it is hard to pray when we are upset and lost in daydreams, perhaps you can see why you need to learn how to get out of those worries and fantasies. You will then be able to stand back and observe thought instead of being that thought.
You will discover that you are not your thoughts. You are the observer of thought. Your soul, standing fearlessly aloof, observes the thoughts without being stained by them.
Most of your thoughts are not your own anyway. When you begin to meditate, you will discover that the thoughts you always though were yours were from another source. A source that does not have your best interest at heart.
When the soul is no longer guilty for escaping from the Light, and no longer guilty for consorting with impure thoughts, it is shriven and is now capable FOR THE FIRST TIME of being penitent, of praying in the spirit, and of understanding the nature of your troubles.
This is an excerpt from a recent article written by Dr. Roland Trujillo. Pastor Roland is dedicated to helping Christians be better Christians. His complementary meditation, which you can practice in addition to your prayers and studies, is designed to help you find what A. W. Tozer was talking about, and what mystics like Madame Guyon, Francois Fenelon, Miguel Molinos, St. Francis de Sales, Thomas a Kempis, and Brother Lawrence found.