I found your site for free email prayer and was blessed with much more

Pastor Roland,

I came to your site looking for prayer and I was surprised when you answered my request right away. It was nice to know that someone was praying for me. But at the bottom of the email you mentioned something about free resources.

To make a long story short, I found your meditation. I tried it and immediately felt relief. I don't know how to
describe what I felt--it was like a great burden taken off of me, like a release from the pain and hurt I have been carrying all these years. I found myself crying tears of joy.

I have continued with your meditation for half a year now and like you said "the bumps in the road have been smoothed out." I still have issues, but instead of getting upset with them, I watch them and somehow they are bearable and then seem to resolve themselves. 

All my life I've been looking for the real thing and I have found it. 

Thank you soooo much,


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