Blood Moons - are changes coming?

Last night I heard a most interesting interview of author Mark Biltz on Coast to Coast AM.

The coming blood moons are fascinating, world events are troubling, and I am praying.

I plan read his upcoming book. His book is titled Blood Moon: Decoding the Imminent heavenly Signs.

John Hagee made a series on the Four Blood Moons and it is interesting watching. Here is a link to his presentation

However, the most interesting of all was his discussion of the giving of the 10 Commandments.

Did you know that God spoke to 3 million people? Did you know that God actually spoke the 10 Commandments and much more to the assembled 3 million? The sound was so overpowering and awe inspiring that the people asked Moses to receive the instructions from God for them, lest they die.

It is right in the book of Exodus. We have all watched the movie and we have read simplified stories, but we somehow were not told or we missed that in one of the greatest events of all history, a supernatural event that makes E.T. pale in comparison, God spoke with a voice from above to 3 million people. It is right in the book of Exodus 19 and 20.

Here is a link to an interesting article on the subject of how God actually spoke to 3 million people and they heard His voice. 

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