We have some great self help books

We have some great self help books in paperback at Amazon.com and also in Kindle.

For those of you who are budget minded, most of my books are also available at Scribd.com for a modest amount. You can download the eBook immediately for your computer, tablet, iPad or mobile device. 

You can also get one of my books as a gift of appreciation when you make a donation of any amount 

Of course, everyone knows my relationships books, especially The Myths and Mysteries of Marriage. Few people can talk about solving relationship issues the way I do,  and my books are a good read too. 

But I have written many other books about trauma, stress, recovry, and spiritual and emotional healing. I should talk about them more.

These books are cutting edge in many ways, and explore the intersection between the metaphysical and the natural.

Best yet, these books cover in detail how the principles of forgiveness, faith and patience protect and restore the traumatized or out of control person to self sovereignty and may assist in removing the overlay of worry and fear that can block or interfere with the body's restorative processes.

The Good Lord intended for us to be healthy in mind, emotions, body and soul. When we re-find contact with our Creator within, a process of recovery and restoration begins that has a positive effect on our whole being.

During the time that we were separate from the Light, we lived in error, and problems began to invade our psyche. Our wrong lifestyle resulted in problems that affected us mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically.

In my books I describe some of the issues that develop when a person lives apart from the Light. Then the positive benefits of meditation, repentance, and patience are shown.

These educational resources are not intended to treat or diagnose conditions. We show how spiritual recovery results in a positive attitude and a peaceful spirit which remove the negative effects of resentment, hostility, doubts and fears that often interfere with the body and mind's optimal functioning.

I often take a look at psychic trauma, emotional reactions, and toxic memories. I have found that many of our troubles began with a failure of faith and love.

Somewhere in our past, our natural well being was overcome by an event that tested our faith and our love. Our faith was found wanting, and we fell into doubt, a loss of self esteem, insecurity, and then a series of mental and physical compensations.

Our love was tested and found wanting; and we became prey to negative suggestions and negative thoughts. The failing of the protective shield of love and faith destabilized us and rendered us sensitive to stress.

In fact, I present the intriguing hypothesis that the human race experienced a trauma in the Garden of Eden (which we can read about in the Bible) from which it has never fully recovered.

My books are about emotional wellness and balance. It is about becoming unblocked from old traumas. Love, patience, faith, hope, and forgiveness are good for the soul, mind, and body.

We may need to take a look at the failure of love and faith and how this contributed to hate, self loathing, and angst. For example, if drinking began long ago with the psychic and emotional trauma of hating someone, then forgiveness will result in letting go of baggage from the past. And this may unblock recovery--mind, body and soul.

When we are grateful to see our errors, we return to the state of mind we had before we fell. Repentance is the first fruits of our new attitude, followed by insight, recovery, restoration, and renewal.

I explore some of the deepest secrets of how to refind your natural state of well being.

We all know that our attitude determines our altitude.

We sink to the depths of doubt and despair when we have become resentful toward others or when we doubt God's Divine Providence. Someone or something on the outside upset us and separated us from our spiritual roots. We began to flounder, and always we looked for the answer on the outside.

But the secret to spiritual recovery is to be found within. By reconciling with conscience and learning to be more forgiving toward others, our natural restorative properties are unblocked and we let go of our toxic relationships with wrong associations and substances.

Scientists and doctors are becoming more and more aware of the subtle relationship between mind and body. It stands to reason that if we are negatively affected by something or someone on the outside, it might affect our mind through our body, or affect our body through our mind.

But if we could find our center of dignity and flow from it, the inner good through the soul could affect our mind, our body, and then positively affect our lives and the lives of others.

Learn how to flow from within instead of reacting. When you are not resentful and upset, you will be able to be patient with others, make wiser decisions, and become empowered.

When we become upset, we tend to start to over-react and go to extremes. We keep by-passing our calm center and begin to feel out of control.

These over-reactions stress our mind and body. Forced to respond, our body becomes hyper sensitive, fatigued, and even exhausted. The syndrome of over-reacting and by-passing our center becomes a debilitating way of life for us mentally, emotionally and physically.

I look at the causes of our tendency to over-react. Once we learn to be less emotional, we inherit faith and patience. Our body then has the space to recover under the gentle lordship of the patient, loving soul.

Do you become upset at your kids? Do you resent your partner? Do you become irritable or tense? Learning to manage stress is a very important skill.

My books look at the nature of stress and provides some positive steps we may take to cope with life without the dysfunctional aspects of excessive stress.


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