The Causes of Anxiety

Anxiety is the result of stress that we don't think we can cope with.

Perhaps it's a situation that didn't go well for you before and you fear it not going well again.

Anxiety is also due to conscience - where we aren't living right and we sense it, and sensing it causes anxiety.  (Just bear in mind that conscience is your friend, and if you stopped fleeing conscience then the anxiety would go away)

When we over react to stress, it begins to affect us more and more. The day can even arrive where a person is afraid to leave home or face some little thing, like an unpaid bill, a car repair, or a misplaced key.

You see the problem is over reaction. We have foolishly allowed ourselves to over react to situations when we should have remained calm. perhaps you were taught to over react by people around you, like your mother or friends.

It is character that we need. Character comes from within. It springs from a rapport with our ground of being, adherence to principle, a willingness to forgive, a light hearted attitude, savoir faire, and ultimately a state of grace.
When we indulge ourselves, we usually live to regret it. What happens when you eat too much, drink too much, work too much or party too much?

When we are young, we have lots of life force and our glands recover quickly.  But after years of over reacting (which is what creates the stress), our adrenal glands become exhausted or things become deregulated.

Learn more about how to cope with stress without over-reacting.   

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