Where Can I Ask a Pastor a Question?

From Copenhagen to Key Largo,
From New York to Chicago,
Ask Pastor Rolly.

My boyfriend wants to live together.
Do pastors always say "Never?"

Ask Pastor Rolly.

What about Christian rock and tattoos?
In church, is it wrong to snooze?

Bible Question? Pastor says yes.
Find out for sure, you don't have to guess.

What's the purpose of life?
Why is there so much strife?

I don't know,
I'll ask Pastor Ro.

Got a question about religion?
Told a lie or cheated a smidgeon?
Got relationship issues?
Quit crying in your tissues.
Just ask Pastor Roland.

If you're dealing with a lot of stress
And your apartment is a mess,
Don't hesitate,
There's no need to wait.
Ask Pastor Roland how to meditate.

Should I tell my kids about Santa Claus?
Was Jesus the greatest man who ever was?
When my cat died, where did she go?
Does anyone really know?

I'll ask Pastor Ro.

I'm taking drugs, but I really want hugs.
When I ask questions, everyone shrugs.

Who else will do this for me?
Pastor Roland is there for thee.

So get your question ready.
Hold your Ipad steady.
Click on the keyboard image,
And don't forget to eat your spinach.

He's got you covered in San Francisco,
Kansas and Texas,
Hello Frisco.
Rio, Toronto and Timbuktu,
Pastor Roland has answers for you,
And maybe a blessing too.

Recent questions about religion

Both the questions and answers have been shortened. These are just snippets. For the longer answer, search Roland's site or send him an email.

Q.  Why don't today's Christians have any real power like the early Christians did?

A. They are not Christian enough.

Q. Should I study the Bible?

A. Studying the Bible is likely to put you in a hypnotized state. Hypnotized by the words and by whoever told you to study. I love the Scriptures, but I read just a little until I am awakened to realize something. The Bible only bears witness on the outside to what the Holy Spirit wordlessly reveals on the inside. "The letter killeth but the Spirit giveth life."   

Q.  How did you arrive at your beliefs.

A. I  began to see for myself. When I was younger I heard many nice things about Christ and Christianity, but I was not sure. I became sure when I realized them for myself.

Q. Do you believe in miracles?

A. Yes.

Q. Is Jesus God?

A. This Jesus is God controversy has led many people astray and has driven away  many good people of other faiths. Jesus Himself never claimed to be God. He always talked about His Father.
Q.  Who is Jesus?

A. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God.

Q. What is our biggest problem today?

A. I could write a book. Briefly our biggest sins today are hardness of heart, selfishness, judgement, resentment, deceitfulness, and a lack of interest in discovering the truth.

Q. How to know God?

A. Meditate to get out of the imagination and to stand back from the sea of words and emotions we are lost in. Become like a little child.

Q. Does prayer work?

A. Yes, but you have to be in the right frame of mind.

Q. Is the Bible the word of God

A. The Bible is the word from God. The Bible is a book, written by men who were inspired, which bears witness to the truth.

Q. Do people have to go to church?

A. I am a believer not a belonger. Getting together with others could be nice, but it can also  be a pressure, and it can reinforce people's mistaken belief that they are fine just the way they are.

Q. Is there such a thing as evil?

A. Yes. It is very subtle and can wear a thousand faces.

Q. Are some people possessed?


Q. Any generic advice for people in general?

A. Honor truth no matter who speaks it, even a little child. Forgive your parents. Don't resent your father, and don't resent anyone. Watch out for judgment. Do what you know is right in your heart - for every moment, remain aware and check with your conscience. Be honest, fair, brave, and kind. Don't give sympathy. Avoid excessive emotion. When you find yourself getting caught up emotionally in some discussion or activity, mentally stand back.  

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