Get Advice from a Pastor Worldwide

"I have had a chance to talk to many wonderful people around the world, even in Africa. Today I chatted with a nice lady in Spain. Though English is not her first language, we were able to talk about forgiveness as a strategy for coping with anger and unhappiness.
Roland, who has an earned MS and PhD in Pastoral Psychology, is the author of 10 books.
"I'm pleased to provide quality free audio and reading resources to the worldwide web community."
"I'm very small," says Pastor Roland. "I do this as a volunteer and I have one part time volunteer to help me. The way I compete with the big huge organizations is by offering personal pastoral counseling, by making myself available 7 days a week, and by offering an outstanding array of free self help resources."
"I must be doing something right, because I've been helping people for over 20 years."
I offer two tiers of service.
  • Second tier: free live chat for quick questions and short answers. Just click on the customer support link in the right sidebar.
We also offer an outstanding array of free audio sermons, articles, a meditation to calm down, and even some free books to read online.
"This is the finest personal pastoral service on the web today."

Need some advice or feedback from a pastor? Need help with a relationship issue? Do you want some help coping with stress, family/work balance issues, overcoming negative emotions, learning to forgive, dealing with doubts, or would you like an answer to a religious question?

Here's how to consult with Pastor Roland

Roland is generally available for convenient online consultation 7 days a week.

Roland is available for chat, telephone or by email.

Roland is an ordained pastor and is the author of 14 books and numerous articles, and the host of a radio advice program for 23 years.

Here's how to contact and consult with Pastor Roland if you decide yo would like more time and feedback than just a quick question at free chat.
Telephone consultation is confidential and anonymous. LivePerson does not give your name or phone number to its professional counselors. Generally half an hour is sufficient to receive feedback, explore some solutions, and how to access additional free resources to read or listen to.
LivePerson provides a secure place to chat in privacy. Your email address and name are not given to the pastor. Pastor Roland has found that half an hour is often enough time to provide useful feedback and explore some possible solutions.

Pastor Roland is available 7 days a week for your convenience.

Please remember that Pastor Roland does not work for a church and receives no salary. He has always made his valuable self help resources free. He only asks for you to partner with him and help out with the small charge or donation for the professional pastoral counseling service.

"I appreciate your visiting my website. Please stop by anytime. Use some of the free resources and check out the blogs, each of which is devoted to a topic, such as relationships, parenting, confidence, dealing with emotions, even a daily devotions blog! I look forward to hearing from you." Pastor Roland

Chat with me today!


Now there is a real person and pastor--not just a faceless website--who makes himself available to people on the internet.

"There's a whole big world out there, says Pastor Roland, who has a PhD in Pastoral Psychology and who has 21 years experience helping people. For too long, people on the internet have been ignored or not taken seriously. There is a world of hurt out there, says Roland. People have needs, and many people just don't want to travel across town or get involved in some organization. Plus they want convenience.

Roland who has an earned MS and Doctorate and over 20 years experience helping people from all walks of life on his radio program, says that he has observed that if an internet person is given any personal attention at all, it is from some faceless person in a telephone bank who is looking for donations.

"I'm a real pastor who qualifies as a senior pastor. I think people on the internet deserve the best. Sure, many big churches put sermons on their website or offer reading materials, but when did you hear of the senior pastor devoting full time to internet people? 

Many people don't have a lot of money, but they still want to talk to a pastor. That is why I have free live chat and free live chat customer service. 

Another thing, says Roland. Many people are not "Christian" and many people don't go to church and don't want to go to church. But they are real people who have real questions about life, religion, and relationships. They just want some advice or some feedback from a pastor, that's all. That's why I'm here. Go to Pastor Roland's LivePerson page now
I hope this new service is a success, says Roland. I'll do my best. It just depends on whether people respond or not. "

"By the way," says Pastor Roland, "check out my blogs and free stuff in the right column. You will find dozens of articles, dozens of sermons, free books to read and more. All free."

Contact me now

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