Meditation for Spiritual Peace of Mind, Courage, and Overcoming Anxiety

  • If you are like many people, you have allowed your emotions to get out of control. Now negative thoughts and emotions, such as worry, interfere with seeing clearly the cause of your issues. Like most people, what you would like is someone to talk or chat to and you would like some suggestions for emotionally coping with present issues and resolving them. I can help with that.
  • What you also need are some resources and a way to learn how to stay centered so you can learn to solve issues yourself without becoming dependent on others. That way you become free to move forward.
  • In this respect I provide extra help. I'm sure you have heard the expression "It is better to teach a person to fish than to just give them a fish." I do both. I am intuitive and experienced, so I can give you fast feedback and simple strategies to resolve issues.
  • But I also can teach you how to get centered and stay centered, which you can then practice on your own in the weeks and months to come.
  • I have developed 5 meditations which some people have found helps them cope, calm down, and refind their spiritual roots.
  • For example, most people are aware of spiritual principles, but have a hard time applying them when it comes to their partner, coworkers and kids. There is disconnect, often based in unfinished business, unforgiveness, or resentment which interfere with forgiveness, harmony and peace of mind.
  • There is also a pattern of negative thoughts, especially doubts, which contribute to worry and anxiety, that interfere with the spiritual walk.
  • Many people have found that both knowing what is right and putting it into practice is easier to do with the help of my meditations and simple instructions.       Find out more about the meditation

    Listen to the introduction to the meditation

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