Christian Counseling Online Degrees of Service - Pastor Offers Full Service from Free Chat to Professional Life Coaching by Livechat, Email, and Phone

Looking for good value? Here is just one example. Got a question? Would you like some advice on a life, marriage or relationship issue?

How about $2.

For an answer by email

Send Roland an email with your question. If you are satisfied with the answer you can buy him a virtual cup of coffee after you get the answer.

A virtual cup of coffee for Roland costs $2 at Paypal. The coffee is for Roland to drink if he is tired or to pay for today's internet time.

He will respond with an email and will answer your question. Roland usually responds with a paragraph or two. As a bonus, he often gives you a link to one of his online articles to read free.

Remember, this is advice and feedback, not counseling. Of course no emergencies, no questions about abuse, no bedroom questions, and no legal or finance questions. You must be 18.

Roland's answers are based on 21 years of advice giving and they are usually something like a wise grandpa would give you. There might be a touch of pastorly advice (since Roland is a pastor, but it's always friendly).

You can also buy him a cup of coffee in advance. Just click on the coffee cup.

If you've benefited
from Roland's insight, please
click on the coffee cup to buy him a virtual cup of coffee.

Prefer Live Chat (texting)?

How about $2.

Sunday monring and most other days.

Hi, this is Roland. I make a point of going online early in the morning and during the day, for one or two hour intervals from Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, and the public library."
Click on live chat in the right sidebar.
Chat with Roland

When you are done with the chat session, and if you are satisfied with the help you got, then click on the Coffee cup just below the chat button and buy Roland a cup of coffee.

Remember, if you just have a gneral question for educational purposes, then texting chat is always free!


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