Lowest Fee for Online Religious and Spiritual Coaching - "Talk to a Pastor" Roland Has Labor Day Weekend Special
I reduced my fee to the lowest ever for the Labor Day Weekend!
If you missed the special super low fee, don't worry.
I still have Sunday morning free chat to ask a question for educational purposes and for online coaching,
I still have the lowest email fee around. $5 for a detailed email response. To take advantage of the special low rate for new clients - just visit my virtual office at Livepoerson.
Telephone, texting or email.
First three minutes of live chat texting are free!
7 days a week. Pay per minute. Stop whenever you want. You are in control. Compare and save.
Visit my Liveperson virtual office for information.
Who is Roland?
Roland who has an earned MS and Doctorate and over 22 years experience helping people from all walks of life on his radio program, says that he has observed that if a person looks for some feedback on some life or relationship issue on the internet, and is given any personal attention at all, it is from some faceless person.
A. MS in Human Relations, Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology, 20 year graduate school lecturer and author of 14 books. Over a million people have listened to Roland on the radio. His radio advice program has aired for 22 years.
"There's a whole big world out there, says Roland, who has a Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology and who has 22 years experience helping people. For too long, people on the internet have been ignored or not taken seriously.
"There is a world of hurt out there," says Roland. "People have needs, and many people just don't want to travel across town or get involved in some organization. Plus they want convenience."
"But people on the internet are real people who have real questions about life, spiritual and emotional issues, and relationships. They just want some advice or some feedback from a real person who is a professional, that's all.
That's why I'm here. I care about human beings and I will give you a truthful answer grounded in common sense and understanding of human nature. I hope this new service is a success, says Roland. I'll do my best. It just depends on whether people respond or not. "
"By the way," says Roland, "check out my blogs and free stuff in the right column. You will find dozens of articles, free books to read and more. All free."
I also understand that many people are already in therapy or getting help. I don't mind providing a little spiritual care giving to complement the care they are already getting.
Here are just a few of the issues
I've been helping people with for 22 years:
Marriage issues, such as marital unhappiness, and communication issues,
Coping with infidelity
Relationship issues, including dating and courtship
Overcoming emotional issues, such as unhappiness, upset, anger, or anxiety
Letting go of doubts and fears
Parenting issues, blended families, single parenting
Help coping with stress
Overcoming feelings of inferiority or insecurity.
I look forward to chatting with you. Best time to reach me is 4 to 9 PM, California time 7 days a week.
If you missed the special super low fee, don't worry.
I still have Sunday morning free chat to ask a question for educational purposes and for online coaching,
I still have the lowest email fee around. $5 for a detailed email response. To take advantage of the special low rate for new clients - just visit my virtual office at Livepoerson.
Telephone, texting or email.
First three minutes of live chat texting are free!
7 days a week. Pay per minute. Stop whenever you want. You are in control. Compare and save.
Visit my Liveperson virtual office for information.
Who is Roland?
Roland who has an earned MS and Doctorate and over 22 years experience helping people from all walks of life on his radio program, says that he has observed that if a person looks for some feedback on some life or relationship issue on the internet, and is given any personal attention at all, it is from some faceless person.
A. MS in Human Relations, Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology, 20 year graduate school lecturer and author of 14 books. Over a million people have listened to Roland on the radio. His radio advice program has aired for 22 years.
"There's a whole big world out there, says Roland, who has a Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology and who has 22 years experience helping people. For too long, people on the internet have been ignored or not taken seriously.
"There is a world of hurt out there," says Roland. "People have needs, and many people just don't want to travel across town or get involved in some organization. Plus they want convenience."
"But people on the internet are real people who have real questions about life, spiritual and emotional issues, and relationships. They just want some advice or some feedback from a real person who is a professional, that's all.
That's why I'm here. I care about human beings and I will give you a truthful answer grounded in common sense and understanding of human nature. I hope this new service is a success, says Roland. I'll do my best. It just depends on whether people respond or not. "
"By the way," says Roland, "check out my blogs and free stuff in the right column. You will find dozens of articles, free books to read and more. All free."
I also understand that many people are already in therapy or getting help. I don't mind providing a little spiritual care giving to complement the care they are already getting.
Here are just a few of the issues
I've been helping people with for 22 years:
Marriage issues, such as marital unhappiness, and communication issues,
Coping with infidelity
Relationship issues, including dating and courtship
Overcoming emotional issues, such as unhappiness, upset, anger, or anxiety
Letting go of doubts and fears
Parenting issues, blended families, single parenting
Help coping with stress
Overcoming feelings of inferiority or insecurity.
I look forward to chatting with you. Best time to reach me is 4 to 9 PM, California time 7 days a week.