Meditation for Pain

Roland Trujillo is introducing his new meditation for pain.

"Hello, people. My name is Roland. After all these years of writing books, answering questions by email and on the radio, and hundreds of articles and  blog posts, I have finally created a meditation for pain.

I've been wanting to make a meditation for pain for a long time. It's been in my mind, but I have been waiting for someone to request it.

I have gone ahead to make this new meditation.

The power of patience, the power of forgiveness, the power of spiritual renewal are in the present when we come closer to our ground of being.

Most people do not know how to be aware of their problems without becoming upset by what they see. But if you could learn to calmly observe any issue with awareness, it might very well begin to resolve itself. In the process, you would also gain insight into the cause of the issue.

Another thing: God created the earth, and since our body is of the earth, it is the earth which sustains and nurtures our physical being. Call it mother nature or Mother Earth, if you like. The repairing and restorative power of Mother Earth is blocked by resentment and resentful resistance.

Our resentment of our pain, anger toward our illness, or resentment toward our body has a negative effect that blocks the natural restorative and regenerative good that would surely be beneficial to our situation.

In short--becoming centered, calming down, getting out of negative thoughts, and facing our pain and other issues without resentment will help you discover and eliminate any road blocks, such as suppressed anger or resentment, that interfere with natural restoration.

In fact, your good doctor and his or her treatments are often interfered with by our worry, fear, and resentment. Calming down and getting centered will make you a better patient.

I do not want to replace whatever help you are getting now, be it medical, psychiatric, therapy, or spiritual care giving. My meditations are complementary, just like going for a walk, listening to calming music, or prayer are complementary."

Get more information

Contact me if you are a vet or first responder who would like to try the meditation for free. I will give you the link to listen free.

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