Destiny - Excerpts from Roland Trujillo's New Book The Majesty and Mystery of Time - God's Cosmological Constant


Time, space and matter are related. There can be no time without space. Space is the resting place for time. There can be no space without matter. Matter is the containant and the perfection in variety and detail of the plan inherent in time and space.

Time is begotten of timelessness. Time came from the timeless dimension. God envisioned the final form and sent forth time into space. And in space the energy of light slowed to form matter. Matter, being a positive and a negative, combined together (such as a proton and an electron) to form the most basic element, hydrogen. Then, in perfect balance, other elements were formed with the same positive and negative theme.

God is One, forming a perfect unity. The created form is perfect in combining different parts to make a unity—as when plus and minus form an atom, or as when male and female combine to form a child. One, in such cases, is formed of many. The many becoming perfect in the one. That way, perfection increases, as more and more are added to form a whole out of many.

Creation had a beginning, but just before that beginning was a foresight, an intention, and a vision in the timeless realm. The created forms came into being just over the time/space horizon.

Creation did not stop at that point. Creation is still going on right now. Each new moment, each new addition, each new circumstance springs forth from the time event horizon just over the edge from the creative force of the Creator Who is just "behind" the event in the timeless realm.
Amazingly, the human life can be made in a similar way, because we have a consciousness something like the Creator's. When the soul sits in the timeless realm, it intends something. That intention, just before and beyond the event horizon, initiates a cause and effect sequence. Of course, we do not create objects. Only the Creator can do that.

But we can shape the moment, and the form of that moment is collated from disparate ideas and objects. The soul can live each moment properly by pre-intending to do what s/he knows is right in his or her heart for each moment. This pure intent leads to a quiet wordless knowing of what to do or what to say.

The Creator intends good and is creative. The human who intends rightly is given to know that he does not know. This leads to a desire to do what is right without even knowing what the right is. Such a person receives delicate wordless guidance.

The person then does or says something, and only later discovers why it was proper. His life is co-creative. He is blessed to participate in God's plan, without knowing what his little part of the whole will bring.

Can you see that an insincere intent creates an insincere life? The insincere person does not really want to do what is right—he wants some advantage, even if it's being thought good by others. Because of his insincere intent, he cannot see the correct move. A bad intent will begin the process of destruction. Because it involves a process of denying and avoiding truth—the very truth that would lead to the pot at the end of the rainbow.

A good intent sets in motion the envisioning, and combined with the will, an energy goes forth that reaches out to collate the elements for thought and to gather the elements to form the envisioned act. Remember—the person who gets his ego out of the way is really doing God's will. It is God's will which is reaching out to shape events.

When resistance is encountered, the soul's character and perseverance is tested. If it does not wobble, the determination to see the project through to the end is fortified. In this case, the resistance actually strengthens both the resolve and the will to follow through.

If the resisting force is strong but the soul really intends a good, and the good is really good, the soul cries out to God for help; and that help is forthcoming. The only thing that can interfere with this process is emotion (whereby a person reacts to the outside threat) and lack of faith.

The moment is formed in the pre-moment. Every moment has a pre-moment—where the soul is outside time. In those moments, the soul also has a chance to operate just before time, and through goodwill and sincerity, can affect every moment for the good.

When the soul intends good, but does not know what that good is, it becomes an extension of God's will. He wills good, and the soul, standing before and beneath the will of God, extends its consciousness over the event horizon and the elements are collated according to God's will. But it is also the soul's will—which wanted to do good but was not sure what that good is.

This soul has no conflict with God because everything it does (intends) is the will of God.
Those in the world who then oppose the good which is becoming find themselves opposing a force of incalculable power. Because it is not the soul's willfulness, but rather willingness, the soul does not offer its own resistance against the opposition, but stands innocently still intending the good.

The soul that wills things to happen wants to be the source of good and wants to plan. Such a soul's intent is impure and insincere. In fact, it is not good and is not an extension of the good. Such a soul does not have foresight. Instead it plans, schemes, and wills things to happen. This soul's willfulness tempts others to oppose it with a willfulness of their own.

The soul which is not operating from the good just outside of time in the pre-moment has no foresight and no patience. When it is confronted with anything it does not understand it is panicked into activity. When it is confronted with any setback, it reacts. Instead of flowing from good into the moment, which are shaped according to a mysterious plan which the soul (through its willingness and pure intent) has made itself a part of the blind soul reacts and is powerless.

In fact, it becomes an extension of and becomes a part of the circumstance that, at best, is being blindly schemed and collated and assembled by willful souls under the influence of temptation operating from the other side of matter.

Evil and blind souls cannot be creative. Nor can they do well. They do not have foresight. They can only scheme. They can foresee to some extent the good about to happen which they wish to avoid. But they do not have the creative power of the light, or the wisdom of the light. (Incidentally, God permits wicked souls just enough foresight to see and avoid truth and good. This is so that human freedom is maintained. He mercifully permits those who hate the truth to avoid the truth which would torment and burn their evil souls. Editor)

That is why it is important to set no goals other than to do what is right for each moment. And that right is doing what you deeply know is right. It is not an intellectual thing, nor is it a thing of feeling; it is a thing of sincerity leading to a yearning to do what is right. One then moves, without guile or preplanning (under the guidance of the Light) and the shaping of the next moment, and the next and the next are done by the Light in the Light. The soul stands as an observer—in awe and wonder of the good that conies to pass without any effort on its part.

The energy which created the universe and which is the proper motive force for humans is love. Love is the very essence, the very substance, the very heart of the Creator's love.

We humans, were we to flow from within, obedient to the Creator and having goodwill toward our neighbor, could actually live and move and have our being by way of this special love.

But when we are willful and when we make something more important than what is right, we fall from this love, and then the only energy left to move us is desire (lust) and hate, greed and fear, attraction and aversion. These primitive emotions are manipulated, prodded, and stimulated by external circumstances and forces. We become emotional conditioned-response animals, reacting to everything and wearing ourselves out.

Light and warmth combine with design in the act of creation. The Lord is love and wisdom, His love drawing wisdom in order to create good.

The two are compatible and combine together. A similar process occurs at a lower level, when male and female combine to produce offspring.

The fallen human, devoid of or not yet having discovered Divine love, has only the lower form of reproductive love. Such a fallen human, devoid of love, cannot have wisdom. He can only dissemble and with cunning figure things out or combine observations and ideas usually in a misinterpretive way.

The lower form of love serves a purpose—the co creation of the human race—but it is not enough to lift us above the animal order of things.

New things come about through combining—love and wisdom, male and female, and chemical combine to form new substances. Love contains its own motivation. Love is love, and the intelligence is in the wisdom which love attracts. The Creator's motivation is love, and He envisions a final beautiful form. His envisioned end is good.

But the fallen human, just like the animal kingdom, needs some other motivation. Libido is the primitive driving energy which spurs the creature on to procreate. Destrudo is the minus or negative side of libido. It exists for the purpose of destroying and killing other animals to eat and for the purpose of self protection. This self protectiveness is a form of lower love—self love.

In nature, plus and minus alternate—neither state is a complete rest. Minus is odd. An odd number suggests the next even. The even number then wishes an odd in order to grow. Odd and even alternate in a steady progression of growth.

In a similar way, lust leads to rage, and rage to lust. Resentment leads to the "love" of guilty service, and it leads to resentment. If a person gets stuck—say in the negative resentment—he cannot grow any more, and the only completion left is in destruction.

The whole of the material creation is in movement through the alternation of plus and minus, day and night, on and off, odd and even. One state always suggests the next. And the next leads to its opposite.

A similar process occurs in the beating of the heart or in breathing—where motion leads to rest and rest to motion. Likewise waves move by way of crest and trough, one leading to the next.
The alternation of states and opposites is a marvelous principle, based on mathematics. It is marvelous and wondrous that the whole of the creation could be made through the progression and completing of the simple odd and even principle.

Behind it all is the wind of time, serving as a gentle force. Also behind it is a sense of destiny, as the creation moves on to what was envisioned and is envisioned by the Creator.

Time comes from patience. Patience is the expression of God's love. Were it not for patience, we could not sense God's love. If you sense that time exists, it means that patience exists. If patience exists it means that love exists. Love is the esse, and patience is the existire of that love.

Love is timeless, coming from God's timeless realm. Patience exists in time. It is the way that the created human being, existing in time, can sense the Presence of the Creator. Patience is a welcome stranger, when it appears. Kindness, thoughtfulness, longsuffering, and steadfastness are facets of patience.

Now patience—which comes into existence just at the cusp of timelessness at the event horizon—is the basis of the creation. From patience comes time--which is the proceeding forth of patience. From time comes energy, and from energy matter.

There's an old expression—all good things take time. But when given time, in patience, it's amazing how quickly things prosper and grow. Whatever is done in patience is a good work.

Can you now see why today people are so hurried, stressed, impatient, and suffer from fatigue syndrome? They lack time and they lack energy because through willfulness or ignorance, they have separated themselves from God's will and therefore from love.

Time begins to run out for us when we do not flow from God's love. His love gives endless patience, and in endless patience comes an abundance of time. And from time, comes the energy to follow through and complete the good work.

Patience and energy are always there, but we humans separate ourselves from them. The next time you are rushing for the head of the line (setting a goal), notice how your love is gone for others. The next time you make something too important, notice how you forget about principle.

When you want something too much, notice how impatient and nervous you become. Then, sensing your own wrong, you become resentful—hating the very Truth which is making you aware of your defection from the flow.

Love is growing cold in the human race. Many bad things will occur because of this; but for the purposes of this article, let's just focus on the first. The first thing you don't
have when you become separated from the flow of love is patience. When you are impatient, you have no love. When you have no love, it means that you don't have an abundance of time or energy either.

We become separated by having some goal (other than doing what we know is right in our heart for each precious moment). Anytime you set a goal for yourself—even one which is technically proper—you are making something more important than what is right.

Remember, God's creation is moving toward an end, fulfillment of the good He intended. When you set a goal for yourself, you put yourself outside of His will and purpose. Instead of living each moment gracefully and delicately, waiting for the good to unfold; we decide to set a goal and make something happen. As soon as we do this, we become impatient, we become frustrated and resentful.

What does it mean to be patient with others? It means to not judge, condemn, or pressure them to perform. When you judge another (even if you judge them as being "nice") you are drawing a conclusion. You are seeking to cut short the whole process of discovery, and you are jumping to a conclusion--an end which serves your purposes (self righteousness).

If you do not judge or condemn, you remain connected to the flow (from within and above). And thus connected, whatever you say or do will then be proper and will have the force of love behind it.

Can you also see why we must be spontaneous and cast our bread upon the water? If you hold back, waiting until analysis or some expert tells you it's time to move, you are again setting yourself apart from the good, the flow of creative energy, and the will of God that would have nudged you to do in the right time and place.

Kalil Gibran said that "the finger writes, and then having written, moves on." "There is a tide in the affairs of men," Shakespeare said. When we lack faith, we fear moving. We hesitate, and then even if we do the right thing, the timing is wrong.

All the time you need and all the energy you need is waiting in abundance when you are patient.

You've heard the expression "to move in your own time and space." Now you know the deep truth therein. If you don't move in your own time and space, then you are moving according to another's timetable. The timing will never be right, nor will you feel right—no matter how well things seem to be working out. Your life will feel false, because it won't be your own. The real meaning of the phrase "to move in your own time and space is to be independent."

Only by being independent and standing alone (for righteousness sake) will you then realize your limitations and cry out to the Creator. And when you do, He responds from within. When you begin to obey intuition, you will begin to move according to an unseen Heavenly timetable.

Of course, here too, your life won't be your own. You will have made yourself a part of the unfolding good. But which would you rather be—the extension of good, where you can't do anything wrong; or a pawn of evil where nothing will work out right?

There is energy in time and space. You will be permitted to partake of this energy when you live according to God's plan. God even gives of the energy to matter and nature—because they move according to his laws. Only human beings—among all of creation can set themselves apart from God's plan, moving in a resistive, counter-direction, becoming both hellishly negative and ultimately self destructive. Only in obedience, will the Creator permit the partaking of the energy.

(excerpts from a chapter in Roland's new book The Majesty and Mystery of Time: God's Cosmological Constant. Watch for it in eBook edition coming soon)

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