The Devil Inside - Possession and Exorcism Are Not Just a Scary Movie - A Pastor's View

Many people are interested in the topics of possession and exorcism, especially when a new movie comes out. I recall the groundswell of interest when, many years ago, the original The Exorcist movie was a hit.

Since then there have been others, such as The Last Exorcism and The Exorcism of Emily Rose.

The basic plot for The Devil Inside is intriguing to me because, as I understand it, it is about some legitimate exorcists who seek to help a person who is possessed but who has been labeled insane. Truth is often stranger than fiction. The premise that people who are said to be insane but are actually possessed or perhaps bothered by some untoward spiritual force is not as far out as it might appear.

Today we use soft language, euphemisms, and jargon to describe things. If a person has a problem, they have an "issue." If a kid is being teased and put down, and he becomes angry, he is said to have oppositional disorder. Maybe he sees injustice and is just plain angry.

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I wish to say a little about it so that some who are looking for truthful and accurate information about possession and exorcism may find this post. There is plenty of misinformation and misunderstanding out there. so let me begin by pointing out what is not accurate.

On the one extreme there are those who say that possession is a myth, fantasy or the result of some mere psychological process. But the truth is that there is such a thing as possession. There is partial possession and perfect possession.

Mostly, it's not a question of possession but of harassment. People are bothered, harassed or visited by malevolent and mischievous spiritual forces. For example, many people have had the experience, at some point in their life, of seeing a dark looming sinister figure appear in their room at night. Others have awakened to an oppressive sensation of something on being on top of them.

People, and far more than you would suspect, at some point in their life have heard something being said to them in their mind.

Have you ever asked yourself why the things that are said are often negative, mean, tormenting, or urging us on to do something self destructive?

The question is: if it is our very own thinking, why can't we control it at will and just make it stop?

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