This Hour is Mine With Its Present Duty; the Next is God's
So teach us to number our days, that
we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.
PSALM 90, verse 12.
Seek not ye what ye shall eat, or what ye
shall drink, neither be ye of doubtful mind.
LUKE 12, verse 29.
Our days are numbered: let us spare
Our anxious hearts a needless care:
'T is Thine to number out our days;
'T is ours to give them to Thy praise.
Every day let us renew the consecration to God's
service; every day let us, in His strength,
pledge ourselves afresh to do His will, even in
the veriest trifle, and to turn aside from anything
that may displease Him.He does not bid us bear
the burdens of tomorrow, next week, or next year.
Every day we are to come to Him in simple
obedience and faith, asking help to keep us, and
aid us through that day's work; and to-morrow,
and to-morrow, and to-morrow, through years of
long to-morrows, it will be but the same thing to do;
leaving the future always in God's hands, sure that
He can care for it better than we. Blessed trust!
that can thus confidingly say,
"This hour is mine with its present duty;
the next is God's, and when it comes,
His presence will come with it."
William Reed HUNTINGTON.