Ask a Pastor Online Free

Welcome to Chat with a Pastor

Chat with a Pastor is friendly, informative and educational.

If you would like to ask a pastor a question, you have come to the right place.

I have answered questions from friends around the world about a variety of topics. People ask me about tattoos, relationships, music, Bible questions, coping with stress, college, prayers, television, and much more. I'm always glad to help.

Before we begin, I just need to mention a few rules.

1. You must be 18.

2. No bedroom questions.

3. I cannot do counseling at free chat. Chat with a Pastor is for educational purposes only.

4. I cannot take questions if there is an emergency, violence, or abuse.

If you read and understood the rules and if your question is friendly and respectful, there is a good chance I will answer it.

Here's a hint- Because I don't do counseling at free chat, you have a better chance of getting your question answered if your frame the question in a general way instead of a personal one. Ask the question like you were asking a question in class.

Prefer email? Send your question by email

Need someone to pray for you? Send Pastor an email. Tell me your first name and what you would like me to pray for.

"Hi, this is Pastor Roland. I love free chat because I get to communicate with friends from countries all over the world. Talk to a Pastor Online has friends in Nigeria, Ghana, Australia, India, Brasil and Jamaica - just to name a few places.

Need prayer? Got a question you would like to ask a pastor? You have come to the right place."

Here's how it works. Click on the Click to Chat link.

After you get your answer, if you appreciated his insights, then click on the coffee cup to buy Pastor Roland a virtual cup of coffee.

Roland does get tired and thirsty, and you can buy him a cup of coffee for $2 at Paypal.

This is totally voluntary and only if you benefited from Roland's answer.

So, if you are ready to get started, click on the link below (or on the picture in the right sidebar) Click To Chat

Prefer email? Send your question by email

Here's how it works. Click on the Click to Chat link.

Connect with Pastor Roland and get your question answered.

After getting your answer, if you appreciated his insights, then click on the coffee cup to buy Pastor Roland a virtual cup of coffee.

Roland does get tired and thirsty. You can buy him a virtual cup of coffee at Paypal for $2 by clicking on the coffee cup. This is totally voluntary and only if you appreciated his answer and wish to help him.

If you've benefited

from Roland's insight, please

click on the coffee cup to buy him a virtual cup of coffee

If you prefer, or if you would like to give a little more to help Roland, click on the donate button to make a $5 or other donation. This is completely voluntary and only if you want to help.

So, if you are ready to get started, click on the link below (or on the picture in the right sidebar) Click To Chat

Prefer email? Send your question by email

Remember, your gift is only after a chat or email with Roland and only if you benefited from Roland's help. Only if you want to help Roland. Since Roland does not work for a church and does not get a salary, he needs a little bit to help him make ends meet. There is no rule about how much to give. Just what you feel comfortable with. Any gift is appreciated.

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