Pastor I Dreamed I Was Talking to My Dad

"Why talk to just anyone when you can talk to a Senior Pastor?" says Pastor Roland who has an earned MS and Doctorate in Pastoral Psychology.
And I make myself available to people on the internet. I've been helping people via my radio program, books, articles, and private counseling for 24 years. 

And now I am offering Christian dream interpretation too!

Pastor, I dreamed last night that I was talking to my dad. When he was alive he was always angry and I could not communicate with him. But last night in my dream I talked to him openly without upset and he listened to me. Was he really there or was it a dream? What does it mean. Joe

Joe, I don't think he was really there, but this was a very positive dream. It means that you have grown  up and matured. I think you have also let go of your resentment toward him. And now, with love, instead of hate and anger or fear, you can talk to him.  

Having let go of the anger toward your father, you are now free to live a happy and productive life.  

I offer two tiers of service.
  • Second tier: free live chat Sundays and every day for a few hours, for quick questions and short answers. Just click on free chat link in the right sidebar. (you must be 18, no counseling or emergencies. Just a quick Bible or Christian walk question)
We also offer an outstanding array of free audio sermons, articles, a meditation to calm down, and even some free books to read online.

Need some advice or feedback from a pastor? Need help with a relationship issue? Do you want some help coping with stress, family/work balance issues, overcoming negative emotions, learning to forgive, dealing with doubts, or would you like an answer to a religious question?

Here's how to consult with Pastor Roland

Roland is generally available for convenient online consultation 7 days a week.

Roland is available for chat, telephone or by email.

Roland is an ordained pastor and is the author of 16 books and numerous articles, and the host of a radio advice program for 21 years.

Here's how to contact and consult with Pastor Roland

Product Description

Why do couples argue? How can we put the sparkle back in our marriage? How can we communicate better? I’m a Christian but my boyfriend is not. What is the difference between courtship and casual dating? My wife asked me to leave. Why are men the way we are? What does my wife want? Can we reconcile? How about sex? My wife cheated on me –now what? Based on over 20 years of counseling couples and answering questions on the radio, this is the courtship, marriage and relationship repair handbook you have been waiting for. Roland tackles the tough questions with humor, discernment, and refreshing honesty. From the Garden of Eden to the 21st century, he’s got relationships covered.

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